Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias

Agualva Sintra, Portugal

The Secondary School Ferreira Dias, Agualva-Sintra, is inserted in a socio-economic environment, not very favorable, with low education index families, with few students, who have careers with full secondary education, post secondary education or higher education. The school has 1790 students in day school and 349 students in evening classes, for a total of 2139 students. There are 144 tenured teachers (110 female and 34 male) and 29 contract teachers (20 female and 9 male). They work still in school 66 auxiliary staff of the frame and 44 outside the frame. We have professional courses in Technical and Artistic and present further courses of study areas of Humanistic, Scientific, Technological and Artistic. The largest number of classes is affection secondary and designed for further study.

The school is involved in different projects and some partnerships with international institutions: Prize Prince Henry "Duke of Edinburgh's Award - International Award for Young People"; Model United Nations (MUN); Eco-Schools; Young Reporters for the Environment program; and Etwinning projects.