

The purpose of the first session of the project was focused to show the students what the camino is.

Which are its characteristics like the Credential, the yellow arrows, the vieira, the Compostela and more!

"The Camino" Project

Let's go!

In another session we decided to go for a walk along the playground to play a kind of gynkana to collect and learn more things about the Camino. The students were provided with a worksheet with questions that they had to answer with the information they could find in different parts of the playground.

Bellow, you can seen the worksheet and the document with all the information.

¡Buen Camino! Questionnaire
Clues Buen Camino

By using the tool Tour Builder, our students are designing an itinerary in Google Earth where they travel from city to city or from town to town researching everything related to that place and "The Camino":

  • Where to eat
  • Where to sleep
  • Typical places
  • Useful Tips


Here you can find what students are creating in order to help another Pilgrims planning their own Camino.