Bonnie Falls

Originally named Scappoose Falls, Bonnie Falls has been the site for skinny dipping, ill-advised jumping, fishing, and the location of a store which specialized in smoked fish and meat.

July 18, 1958

May 19, 1962

St. Helens Sentinel-Mist May  29, 1951 

According to official word from the Fish Commission of Oregon, an allocation of $19,680 has been authorized for the design and construction of a fishway over Bonnie Falls on the North fork of Scappoose creek.  Work on the fishway is now underway by the Fish commission.  

The fishway as designed, will consist of 14 pools, each 10 feet long and eight feet wide with a rise of 17 inches between pools.  The work is under the general supervision of H.C. Warren, director of the division of engineering and under the immediate field direction of William Olsen.  

The project, which is located on the Scappoose-Vernonia highway, got underway about two weeks ago and is expected to take two or three months to complete, according to Olsen.  

A channel 14 feet deep, eight feet wide and 112 feet long will be blasted out of the rocks alongside the present falls, he noted.

The North Fork of Scappoose creek has in excess of 40 miles of streams, not including a number of minor tributaries.  The amount of stream bed suitable for salmonoid activities has been computed to be over 13.6 miles.  

The distance now accessible to anadromous fishes is only in the magnitude of 3.5 miles or 26% of the total available.

Bonnie Falls, a vertical falls of 20 feet in height, has denied over 10.1 miles or 74% of the suitable spawning areas located within this fork of Scappoose creek.  

The present levels of abundance of salmon are very low compared with even those of 10 years ago.  The availability of 10 additional miles of spawning and rearing area, in conjunction with a stocking program for the upper North Scappoose creek by the Fish Commission, will be of great assistance in building up the depleted stock of salmon.

The production of steelhead trout will likewise be benefited by the construction of this fishway by the utilization of the spawning areas made available by the construction of this project.