The L3 Experience

We believe students have ideas and experiences that should be supported and nurtured in school even though they may not fall within the traditional curriculum offered here at CHS. We believe the Laker Learning Lab (L3) is an opportunity to explore those ideas and interests in a way that allows students to receive time, support, and credit while honoring their learning.

L3 is a personalized learning experience that targets four essential elements of personalized learning: (1) knowing your students well, (2) knowing the course outcomes and goals, (3) empowering students to make choices and guide their own learning based on their interests  interests as well as authentic tasks (4) assessing throughout the learning process alongside students. These four elements are present in each stage of the L3 experience.

L3 differs from the traditional class in many ways. First and foremost, the student is directing their own learning throughout the entire process. In order to support various learning opportunities in an authentic manner, there are no time constraints; we will support students throughout their L3 experience, whether that is equivalent to one semester, two semesters, or spans multiple years. To ensure that all students have the opportunity to pursue this, there is no set time scheduled into the student’s day in which they have to be in the Laker Learning Lab space. Students can use their study halls and AT to receive support during the school day and manage their own time to work toward the goals of their experiences.

Although there is not a set class time, advisors will be available throughout the day in the Laker Learning Lab - room 112 - to provide support to students. Their role is to guide and support students through their experiences. Additionally, the advisor will meet with their L3 students in a series of agreed upon checkpoints to ensure that the student is on track and meeting their goals. They will provide feedback and formally assess L3 students throughout their experience.

Ultimately, we hope L3 provides students with an opportunity to bring new ideas, innovation, and enthusiasm to their Colchester High School experience. 

Interested in learning more?  Check out the L3 kickoff AT!