November 2020

In this issue...

This new virtual bookshelf over the library pickup cart in the hallway allows anyone to scan the QR code for a book on the "shelf" and request to check it out from the comfort of their own phone.

Library Times: Can I Drop into the Library? YES!

Appointments are still appreciated, but are no longer necessary!

Picture it: You're sitting in a study hall, you're all caught up on your work. What you really want to do is bop down to the library and find a great book to read, or chat with library staff about a project you're working on. Well, now you can do just that! Check in with your study hall teacher of course, and then feel free to stop by the library. We'll be glad to help you!

And if you'd still rather access the library resources remotely, don't worry, we've got you covered. Check the CHS Library Website for resources, tutorial videos, and more. Or send Ms. Binder an email with questions or requests any time.

November is Native American Heritage Month

We have an opportunity every November to turn some extra focus and attention toward the incredible cultures, histories, and modern day experiences of Native American peoples. While we believe that there is much to be gained at all times by studying the rich cultural heritage of Native American peoples, as well as furthering our understanding of the history and modern day experiences of Native Americans, we in the CHS Library appreciate and embrace this opportunity to call special attention to these deeply rooted cultures in our nation.

With that in mind, we wanted to share some great resources available to you in the library and online:

  • Read some great books by Native American authors - see a list of what's available in our collection here

  • The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian website - explore exhibits, attend online events, and more

  • The official website for National Native American Heritage Month - browse through their digital collection of exhibits, audio and video resources, and check out some of the great webinars being offered this month

  • Take a look at some of the biographies of featured Native Americans through our FactCite biographies database

Opportunities & Fun:

Vermont Reads 2020 Experience*

There's still time to participate in this year's Vermont Reads Experience. Here's what you need to know:

  • The book is The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas.

  • Ms. Binder has a number of copies of the book ready to give away for free - simply email Ms. Binder to get your free copy of The Hate U Give

  • Read the book - this is the only part of the experience that is required!

  • If the book piques your interest, start reading, viewing, or listening to related stuff - there is a whole list of things to choose from

  • You have from now until the end of December to finish the Vermont Reads experience

*This experience is open to anyone in the CSD community...students, parents, teachers (though only students will be entered into the drawing for Phoenix Books).

Global Read-Aloud of Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You

You can participate in the global read-aloud on its own, or combine it with the Vermont Reads 2020 Experience. This one's simple: Ms. Binder, Ms. Sofferman (CMS Librarian), and Kelsey Psaute (YA librarian at the Burnham Memorial Library) have been reading and posting a section of the book each week. Anyone in the Colchester High School community is welcome to listen/view/follow along. Learn more here.

Digital Puzzle - Let's "Stick" Together

This one's just plain fun. Got a little time on your hands? Need something relaxing to do for a few minutes. Then go to our digital puzzle and virtually stick a few pieces to the board. Find a link on the homepage of the Library website or check it out here. When you open the puzzle you will see a grid with letters and little circles with corresponding letters on the right side of the screen. Click on a colored circle and start clicking on the corresponding letters in the grid to start to fill in the image.

Let's see what we can build when we stick together.

New Books in the Library

More new books have been added to the collection in the month of October. Check out the slideshow below to learn more and click here to view the entire list in our catalog!

Oct New

For Educators

Resources for Educators on our Library Site

If you haven't already, please check out the new Educator Pages of our library website. And if you have already looked...look again - I've been adding stuff! You can browse the section by discipline or take a look at the general content and creation resources. These digital resources are some of the best for engaging students both virtually and in the classroom. You may already be using many of them, or perhaps you'll discover something new. Either way, my hope is that it can be a simple, one-stop place for you to locate the resources you need as you're building lesson plans and plotting curriculum. There is also a section here specifically around Antiracism and Racial Literacy tools which the district library team has put together and which we continue to update and refine. Enjoy!

Bringing the Library to your Door - Homebase offerings

Do your home base students need books? Silly question, of course they do! Are they struggling to figure out how to navigate the online resources such as the library databases? Well, I'm here to help. Send me an email and I'll be happy to schedule a time to pop into your home base. I can bring a cart of books for students to check out, or walk them through the digital resources, or demonstrate how to search and reserve books in our library catalog, or get them excited about reading by providing a few book talks...or all of those things!

Alternatively, you may schedule a time to bring your home base students to the library. Depending on the size of your home base this may need to be done over the course of a couple of days, but we can make it happen. Send me an email to find a time/date that works.

Swank Movie Streaming is Back

Thanks to the Vermont Department of Libraries, all Vermont schools were given the option to sign up for free access to the Swank K-12 movie streaming catalog. I know many of you used this service with your students in the spring and so I've signed us up for the service again for this year. Check your email soon for educator login details.

Need a pick-me-up? Check out the collection of animated poems (many read by the poet) from the On Being Project. - the still image above is from the animated video for "How to Be Alone" by Pádraig Ó Tuama, A Poetry Film by Leo G. Franchi