Library Catalog & Spotlight Lists

Want to find your next great read?  

Check out the library catalog or one of the "spotlight lists" below!  

Your gateway into the collection - search here for thousands of great books.

Video tutorial on searching the library catalog.

Looking for great reads with fewer words?  Check out one of these amazing stories told in free verse.

Love books that take you out of this world?  Try one of these new and amazing Fantasy, Sci-fi, or Dystopia titles.

Just want to curl up with a book that makes you laugh and feel like all is well in the world?  Take a look at this list.

Interested in amazing stories of events and eras of the past?  This collection is for you.

Do you love a good "whodunnit"?  Or maybe ghost stories are your jam?  Check out these titles.

If graphic novels are your thing then this is the list you've been looking for.

Are true stories more your speed than the made-up stuff?  Take a look at these engaging and informative reads.

A plethora of #OwnVoices stories featuring the full rainbow of experience.

Just want to read a story about characters with real-sounding lives, real problems, and real relationships?  This list might be for you!

Want a book you can dig into quickly and that you won't want to put down?  Try one of these reads.

Do you love a good story that provides you with a range of perspectives?  Try these titles on for size!