Maths & Sciences Specific Resources

Maths & Sciences Specific Resources


Free suite of online math tools (graphing calculators, scientific calculators, etc.) and online classroom activities.  See a video outlining some of the features of Desmos here.  Read more about how teachers are using the resource here

US Geological Survey Educational Resources

A mishmash of multimedia, reference, lesson plans around science disciplines from geology to biology (and lots in between).  The USGS Science Explorer feature is another great resource - providing a sort of database of articles and multimedia resources on a wide range of science topics.


Teachers can assign math practice content to students--middle school through AP calculus. Students get immediate feedback as they complete the problems.   

Art of Problem Solving - Free Resources

A range of free online resources offered for teachers and students looking to further their study of various math topics.

The National Science Digital Library 

This is a large database of lesson plans, lecture notes, and more - searchable by subject, grade level, standard, and more.  Make sure to take a look at the conditions of use for each resource - there's a range of "unrestricted" and "educational use" all the way to "restricted."

Databases through the CHS Library:

From Vermont Online Library

A few highlights below...see the whole list of databases here.


Understand context for hundreds of science topics through overviews, journals, news, interactive experiments, and more. 


Research academic topics ranging from art and literature to economics and the sciences. 


Search a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to alternative medical practices. 


Find overviews, news, and opinions on hundreds of today's important social issues. 

Topic categories include Energy and Environmentalism, Science, Technology, and Ethics, Health and Medicine.

Students can register/sign in using their CSD user name (firstname.lastname) and password and practice skills in math, science, technology, and logic/problem-solving.


A host of LibGuides have already been created by the CHS Library staff (past and present), and Ms. Binder's always ready to create some more to support your next unit of study.  Just send an email to request this service.  You can check out a few examples below, or peruse the entire list of existing LibGuides to see what might be of use to you and your students now.