Geo Regional Asia

Channel: #geo-regional-asia


Recent Presentations

Xiuyu Li presents Q-Diffusion: Quantizing Diffusion Models

On the reliability of watermarks for LLMs with Khalid Saifullah

Adaptation to Distribution Shifts in an Unsupervised Manner with Jehanzeb Mirza 

LLMatic: Neural Architecture Search via Large Language Models and Quality-Diversity Optimization Paper

Generating Images with Multimodal LMs with Jing Yu Koh 

Adversarial Attacks on Aligned LLMs by Andy Zou

Fabio Cermelli: CoMFormer

Sanjay Subramanian, Visual Reasoning with Limited Human Labels

Badr AlKhamissi presents OPT-R: Exploring the Role of Explanations in Finetuning and Prompting for Reasoning Skills of Large Language Models

C4AI - Geometry and topology of memory and navigation, Geo Regional Asia (2023-07-12 08:01 GMT-4)

Geometry and topology in memory and navigation, Tom Burns

C4AI - Demonstrate-Search-Predict with Omar Khattab (Geo Regional Asia) (2023-06-26 11:01 GMT-4)

Demonstrate-Search-Predict with Omar Khattab

C4AI - Code-Assisted Reasoning with LLMs with Aman Madaan (Geo Regional Asia) (2023-06-21 11:04 GMT-4)

Code-Assisted Reasoning with LLMs with  Aman Madaan

C4AI - DEtection TRansforme (DETR) (Geo Regional Asia Group) (2023-06-14 11:03 GMT-4)

DEtection TRansforme (DETR) prestented by @tahreem

C4AI - Pathways to semi-unsupervised NLP brain, with Muhammad Saiful Bari (Geo Regional Asia) (2023-05-31 12:01 GMT-4)

Pathways to semi-unsupervised NLP brain, with Muhammad Saiful Bari

C4AI - Geo Regional Asia Group with Nedjma Ousidhoum (2023-05-24 11:02 GMT-4)

Nedjma Ousidhoum presents "What is Needed Vs. What is Built in NLP: Toxic Language Detection and Automated Fact-checking Models as Use Cases"

C4AI - Geo Regional Asia: Segment Anything Model (SAM) by MetaAI (2023-05-10 11:08 GMT-4)

 Segment Anything Model (SAM) by MetaAI

C4AI - Geo Regional Asia: Privacy Auditing and Protection in Large Language Models (2023-05-04 12:03 GMT-4)

Privacy Auditing and Protection in Large Language Models with Fatemehsadat Mireshghallah

Zubair Irshad - Learning object-centric 3D scene representations.mp4

Zubair Irshad - Learning object-centric 3D scene representations

C4AI - Geo Regional Asia online meet-up (2023-04-12 14:05 GMT-4)

Ahmad Anis presents "SimCLRv2" paper by GoogleAI.

Materials from all past sessions