Propose your own!

C4AI Leads are the heart and soul of our community!

To show our gratitude and help you be successful, C4AI staff support Leads in a variety of ways.

How we Support C4AI Leads:

There are 3 main categories of initiatives within our community:

Are you excited to champion a specific ML subfield (eg. ML Efficiency Trustworthy ML, ML in Healthcare, Causal ML, etc.)? As a lead representing one of our subfields, you will be expected to create a home for your subfield in the C4AI community. You will make a good lead if you are excited about finding ways for researchers in the subfield to engage with each other and making the field feel welcome to beginners.

We request that you:

2. Geographic Regional Leads

Are you excited to support community members from your region of the world? We are looking for C4AI community members to step forward as volunteer leads to support engagement specific to various geographic regions. As a lead representing a geographic region, we are excited to see how you ignite conversation with and engagement with those (geographically) close to you. One of the great strengths of our community is its geographic and cultural diversity. We hope that Geographic Regional Leads will help us find authentic ways of celebrating this.

 How you do this is up to you! Some examples of what you may choose to take on:

We request that you:

3. C4AI Specials (one-time events)

We want to support programming that is of value to our community. C4AI Specials are one-time events organized by a community member with the goal of supporting other community members. My C4AI members join with the goal of learning more about what it takes to be a researcher, and they seek mentorship in this field. C4AI Specials offer an avenue for you to share your experience for the benefit of others.


Prior to submitting this form: make a post in #general to get a sense of whether there is sufficient interest from the community to attend this type of event, as well as a chance to receive feedback from other members of our community. You can ask explicitly "give a thumbs up if you would be interested in attending."

After submitting this form: we will try to get back to you as soon as possible with information on how to proceed and give you additional permission.

Organizers of a C4AI Special will receive operational and promotional support from C4AI staff in bringing their event to life. They will be recognized with the "Regulars" badge on discord, and receive associated perks. C4AI Community funds may also be granted towards supporting the execution of your event (eg. internet stipend for organizers to ensure good connectivity when organizing events, swag for guest speakers, etc).


Have another idea of how you could support the C4AI Open Science Community? Be in touch and submit and application!

Feeling inspired to lead your subfield, region, C4AI Special, or take on something new? Consider proposing a new initiative for our community!

How to Propose a Community Program or Event

We will try to get back to you as soon as possible to discuss the next steps.

Become a C4AI Lead!

Community members who host ongoing initiatives become Leads within our community! Learn all about this role, it's benefits and the various ways you'll be supported by C4AI here.