Beginners in Research-Driven Studies

Channel: #beginners-in-research

Hello there, fellow learner! Glad you found our channel. You might be wondering, what is it that we do here? We are a group of people obsessed with learning new things and sharing our insights. But more importantly, we're a group of people dedicated to fostering a passion for research among beginners. We're BIRDS(Beginners in Research Driven Studies) of C4AI.

Whether you are new to research or looking to refine your skills, we are here to support you in your journey. We believe that by working together, we can all grow and learn more effectively. Welcome to our Channel!




Occurrences: weekly, Friday at 1:00 pm ET:

Summary Banks

Summary Bank #1: Conformal Prediction

Hi BIRDS! This is the first summary bank, took a bit longer than we expected mainly because we can’t post long articles on Discord and short ones were well…not too good. Frankly speaking if we did want to do this it would be because it helps you understand a vague idea of a topic or domain in one go, rather than resource hoarding. So what is this bank about? Well, this one is about Conformal Prediction. It’s not really my favorite topic to talk on to be frank, nothing against it it’s just not something I use in daily life but it’s a really cool topic to understand!

What is Conformal Prediction?

Conformal Prediction comes under the topic of Uncertainity Quantification, which is quantification of uncertainity. That doesn’t seem very helpful does it? Let me elaborate, in the most simplistic setting of Deep Learning problem we are trying to find an answer. This answer can be predicting the breed of dog, type of object or maybe the next word too. Given some inputs to the model, we get this answer and that’s usually all that we care about. This type of setting is called Point Prediction where point is the answer we get from the model. Uncertainity Quantification can provide us a way to find how certain or confident the model is about these predictions.

Conformal Prediction also provides a way to generate a prediction set for any model. To put it simply:-

Conformal prediction uses an already trained model to estimate “all” predictions that a model can make for the given input with high confidence.

Suppose your model predicts a breed of a dog, with conformal prediction you can get the possible prediction set for that image. So given an image instead of breed as an answer you’ll get a list of breeds possible for that image. The catch is that Conformal Prediction provides us a guarentee that this prediction set fall under a high probablity range that you set. This guarentee is called Coverage.

How do I do it?

So, we know a bit about conformal prediction but how do we do it, say…in code. Well let’s talk about the easier way first, its as easy as cooking instant noodles. You have the tools(libraries) just follow the instructions and you should be good. So, you essentially have 2 steps:-

During the calibration step, we do the following:-

I’m in where do I go?

Cool, really glad that you liked conformal prediction. Darn, now I really wish it was a blog post but I have really cool resources you can refer to learn about it!

Summary Bank #2: Mixture of Experts

Coming Soon...

CUDA Programming Mini-Cohort

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-05-10 10:09 GMT-7)

May 10, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-05-03 10:05 GMT-7)

May 3, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-04-26 10:05 GMT-7)

April 26, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-04-19 10:07 GMT-7)

April 19, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-04-12 10:06 GMT-7)

Introduction to Concurrency - April 13, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) - CUDA Programming for Beginners, Session 1 (2024-04-05 10:03 GMT-7)

Mini Cohort Overview Session - April 5, 2024

Recent Presentations

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-03-15 10:05 GMT-7).mp4

March 15, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-03-08 10:07 GMT-8)

March 8, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-02-23 10:05 GMT-8)

February 23, 2024

Journey into AI with Lewis Tunstall (BIRDS) (2024-02-02 10:04 GMT-8)

Journey into AI with Lewis Tunstall

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-01-19 10:05 GMT-8)

January 19, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-01-12 10:06 GMT-8)

January 12, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2024-01-05 10:03 GMT-8)

January 5, 2024

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-11-23 07:34 GMT-8)
Ghifari Adam Faza - The Uncertain Journey in Uncertainty Quantification
(BIRDS) (2023-11-17 09:10 GMT-8)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-10-26 07:36 GMT-7)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-10-12 07:37 GMT-7)
Unveiling the Journey with Edward Hu (BIRDS) (2023-10-05 09:08 GMT-7)

Unveiling the Journey with Edward Hu - Insights into LoRA, μTransfer, and the Art of Reasoning, Plus Valuable Advice for Beginners and More!Link to his paper: 

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-09-21 07:35 GMT-7)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-09-15 07:36 GMT-7)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-08-31 07:38 GMT-7)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-08-24 07_40 GMT-7).mp4
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-08-17 07_34 GMT-7).mp4

Tutorial on deepspeed. Topics covered:

- How people can use deepspeed via different libraries like lightning, hugging face transformers etc. to training there models much faster. 

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-08-03 10:35 GMT-4)

We discuss:  "ZeRO: Memory Optimizations Toward Training Trillion Parameter Models"

Link to paper:

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-07-27 10:36 GMT-4)

Katie Matton - "Unveiling her amazing research journey at the crossroads of machine learning, affective computing, and behavioral health"

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-07-20 10:35 GMT-4)

Introduction to Federated Learning

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-07-13 10:35 GMT-4)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-06-29 10:50 GMT-4)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-06-22 10:38 GMT-4)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-06-15 10:36 GMT-4)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-06-08 10:35 GMT-4)

Intro to the latest sprint -  'Circuits - Zoom in' paper by Chris Olah et al.

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-05-25 10:34 GMT-4)

Herumb presents of LangChain

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-05-11 10:36 GMT-4)
C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-05-04 10:36 GMT-4)

high level implementation of ViT

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-04-27 11:35 GMT-4)

Paper replication sprint overview:  An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale (ViT)

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-04-20 10:35 GMT-4)

Nidification: Tokenization in NLP

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-04-06 10:35 GMT-4)

 "Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning" - implementation showcase.  See the work of the BIRDS on their first paper implementation sprint.

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-03-30 10:34 GMT-4)

Hailey (@hails) - 'Flying lessons with ex-Birds' - guest speakers walk us through their research journeys 

C4AI - BIRDS (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-03-16 10_33 GMT-4).mp4
C4AI - Tips and Tricks for Doing Good Research (2023-02-23 11_05 GMT-5).mp4

Tips and Tricks for Doing Good Research with Sara Hooker

C4AI - Parameter Efficient Transfer Learning for NLP (Beginners in Research Driven Studies) (2023-03-09 10_34 GMT-5).mp4

Materials from all past sessions