Importing & Cloning

Content that is set to Public in ADAPT makes it available for other instructors using the platform to access and use the content. There are two methods you can use to bring content that already exists into your own assessment.

Importing Assignments

If you would like to include content authored by others in your own ADAPT course, the easiest way to do so is by importing assignments. When you import an assignment, you not only import the questions it contains, but also any case study notes that are associated with it. To import an assignment into your course, follow these steps:

Importing & Cloning Questions

If you would like to either bring individual questions into one of your assignments, or if you would like to take full ownership of a question someone has shared, you can refer to the following information.

The decision of whether to import or clone a question depends on your use case. If it is only your desire to leverage the content developed through the Next Gen RN project, it is recommended you import entire assignments (see above section), as these will generally never be altered outside of any tweaks if corrections are necessary.

How to Import a Question

How to Clone a Question