Dea numbers & optometry

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has determined that TPA-certified doctors of optometry are eligible for a mid-level practitioner DEA number. TPA-certified optometrists are required to have a DEA registration number in order to prescribe oral analgesics that contain codeine, hydrocodone, or tramadol. These are the only medications that require California TPA-certified optometrists to have a DEA number to prescribe; all other prescribed agents do not require DEA registration. 

Registration & Application Process

Online application forms are available via the DEA website

Note: For a new registration you will need to complete DEA Form 224 and for a renewal application, complete DEA Form 224a. Also, if you wish to be able to prescribe hydrocodone combination products, be sure to check the box for “Schedule II Narcotics” and for tramadol, check the box for "Schedule IV Narcotics." 

First-time Application: 

DEA Renewal:

Registration Changes and Updates: name, address, schedule and drug code change forms are available online through the DEA website. Optometrists with a DEA registration who wish to continue to prescribe hydrocodone combination products and tramadol must update their DEA registration online. 

If you have any questions regarding the DEA number registration and application process, contact the DEA Headquarters Registration Section at (800) 882-9539.  

One-time 8hr Training Requirement

Effective June 27, 2023, the US Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will require a new one-time eight (8) hour training requirement for all DEA-registered practitioners on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. 

As part of the initial registration or renewal process, practitioners will be required to check a box on their online DEA registration form affirming that they have completed the new training requirement.  For practitioners who are renewing their DEA certification, the deadline to satisfy this new training is the date of when your certificate expires.

For more information, please read here:

Training Requirements

Practitioners can satisfy this training by engaging in a total of eight hours of training on treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders from the groups listed below. A few key points related to this training: 

Currently Available Trainings

COA and AOA are not federally authorized providers for this training. Below is the list of accredited groups that may provide the 8 hour training:

For your convenience, below is a preliminary list of available trainings.  The list is not comprehensive.

Registration with CURES

If you have a DEA number, you must register with California's Controlled Substance Utilization Review & Evaluation System (CURES). 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to have a DEA number? 

No. If an optometrist is not planning on prescribing controlled substances, i.e., codeine with compounds, hydrocodone with compounds, or tramadol, a DEA number is not necessary. However, the TPA certification permits you to prescribe oral analgesics that contain the above-referenced controlled substances and a DEA number is required to prescribe these drugs. Note: Be sure to check “Schedule II Narcotic” to allow you to prescribe hydrocodone with compounds and “Schedule III Narcotic” to prescribe codeine with compounds and "Schedule IV Narcotic" to prescribe tramadol. 

What drugs can I prescribe once I obtain my DEA number? 

The DEA has designated California optometrists with TPA certification as “mid-level practitioners,” which means they can prescribe, administer, dispense and procure only certain defined drugs. According to California law, those drugs are: 

Note: Prescribing these drugs can only be for ocularrelated pain for a maximum of three days. If the pain persists after three days, the patient must be referred to an ophthalmologist. 

Do I need a separate DEA Number for each office? 

Yes. If an optometrist plans on procuring and storing controlled substances at multiple office locations, multiple DEA numbers will be required. Inventory and dispensing of controlled substances are tightly controlled by federal regulations; therefore, an optometrist cannot procure controlled substances and then “distribute” them to various offices. If you have questions about obtaining DEA numbers for multiple offices, please contact your local DEA office. 

Can an optometric group get one DEA number for the whole office? 

No. Each provider who plans on prescribing, administering or dispensing controlled substances should have their own DEA number. For ease of administration, however, only one provider in each practice should be responsible for “procuring” controlled substances and maintaining the appropriate administrative files. 

What do I tell pharmacists who refuse to fill my prescriptions without a DEA number? 

A DEA number is required only for prescribing codeine with compounds, hydrocodone with compounds and tramadol. 

How can I advertise my TPA status? 

TPA optometrists may advertise that he or she is certified by the California Board of Optometry to prescribe therapeutic pharmaceutical agents. 

What are the requirements for writing a prescription for DEA-regulated controlled substances? 

You are required to use “tamper-resistant” forms approved by the California Board of Pharmacy and the Department of Justice for ALL written prescriptions and to consult and report certain prescribing information to the state CURES program. Beginning January 1, 2022, all prescriptions must be submitted electronically.