Our questions and answers so far...

How many hours per week for each subject are studied?

Newman College works on a two week timetable and students will study 9 hours per subject across the two week period.

Where can I find the courses to study?

The courses we have on offer are listed here, or alternatively, these can be found in the Curriculum Guide, together with the entry criteria.

What equivalency do BTECs have compared to A-Levels?

They are the same (Level 3 qualification) and carry the same UCAS points.

What is the application deadline?

The provisional closing date for applications to be received by Newman College is Friday 12 February 2021.

Can students study BTECs and A-levels?

Yes, any combination is permitted depending on grades and timetabling, this is called a 'blended pathway'.

To view pathway options click here

Do you have to be a Catholic to attend the College?

No, we really welcome all students of any faith or none at all. What we ask for is that all students are respectful of each other and are open to other’s points of view and beliefs. One of the nicest things about the college is that everyone is just a little bit kinder to each other.

What resources do you have in place for students who are finding their courses difficult?

Unlike many other colleges, we will continue to work with the students to ensure success, this includes allowing students to change courses at any time, putting on one year fast track courses in Year 13, intervention by subject and we also have our own college SENCO who identifies and works with students who need additional support.

What Pastoral support do you offer?

We pride ourselves on our excellent pastoral care which meets the needs of each student. Every student has a Mentor and a Pastoral and Progress Leader (Year Head) who are available for guidance and support. The College also has a Pastoral and Attendance Manager who supports all of our students.

How is the approach to teaching different to a school?

Our staff fully understand the jump from GCSE to A level and initially they will teach in the way that students are used to from school. Over the two years, we will develop the students into more independent learners ready for University or work.

How big are our class sizes?

We have relatively small class sizes in the College and we pride ourselves in the individual attention and support we can offer to our students.

How does the academy time work and does it fit on the timetable?

All academy time sits in an option block and takes place during the normal College day. It will not clash with any of your lessons and students love this time taking part in their favourite activities as part of the College day.

Do I have to mix with the main school?

Newman College is a big sixth form College in its own right. We have over 600 students. For the vast majority of our students, they never have to go to the school site at all except for some very specialised areas. Students are also very welcome to volunteer in the main school in activities such as running sports teams and clubs or acting as reading buddies or academic support buddies. This is excellent for any personal statement and gives them a whole host of transferable skills. The College has its own exclusive library, study areas and cafe.

How flexible is your learning offer?

We pride ourselves in very much responding to individual students’ needs and we build the curriculum around our students. We will amend timetables to give students a more sensible timetable if they travel from a distance. We have students on Year 12 and 13 timetables and have even run a course that is not in our Prospectus.

What does the College offer in terms of extra-curricular activities?

We have a full offer of extra-curricular activities available to view here. We have the sporting academies, Rugby, Netball, Athletics and now Golf. We run football and basketball teams, offer dance, music, drama and other arts subjects. We have a debating club, strong Student Union and Academic Council. We also run a whole host of extra-curricular trips and visits including ski trips, field trip, outdoor education trips and a whole host of curriculum and non-curriculum trips.

What is the normal College day?

Lessons start at 8.40 am and finish at 4.00 pm, although students only need to come into the College when they have lessons or registration which takes place at 10.40 am. Students can leave the site whenever they do not have lessons.

Is there a dress code?

Students can wear their own clothes - we just ask them to be appropriate for a College. We do not have rules on piercings, make up or hair styles etc.