Back to School Night Packet

                                              Back to School Night                                                                                 

                                                           First Grade                                                                                                 

                                       Mrs. Zakrajsek and Mrs. Ditlow


Contact Information:    719-527-0300 extensiont 27

                                                 719-527-0300 extension 29

Please contact me via e-mail, Remind, or by writing a note in your child’s planner with any questions or concerns.  If you need to meet with me, please schedule an appointment for a conference.  I will not be able to meet with you at the beginning or end of the day when students are coming into the classroom or are being dismissed.  Please speak to the front office staff if you need to get a message to your child during the school day. 

Routines and Curriculum:

Arrive on time:                                                                                                      

The bell rings at 7:50 A.M.                                                                            

Students should be in the classroom and in their seats by 7:55 A.M.  

Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting (adopted school-wide)                                                                  

4 Components:  Greeting, Sharing, Activity, Morning Message

Writing:  Every Child a Writer (ECaW – adopted school/district wide)

We will use whole group instruction at the beginning of the year.  Small group work with the teacher may be introduced as the year progresses.  Groups are fluid depending on achievement level and skill.

Reading Street (adopted school/district-wide)

We will instruct using on level, above level, and below level small reading groups. These groups will include the use of leveled readers to teach comprehension and fluency work, phonemic awareness and phonics skills.  Assessments will determine student placement.  However, groups are fluid throughout the year.                      

“Flooding” (outside teacher support with groups) will meet4 times a week.  This is based on DIEBELS testing results.           

Weekly Reading Selection Tests will be given every Friday.                                                     

Please read with your child at least 10 minutes daily, including weekends.      

Make high frequency word flash cards at home and practice.  These words will be posted on the website each week.


The Daily Five:

The Daily Five is a program added to our literacy program.  Its components can include:

1. Read to yourself or a partner

2. Listen to reading

3. Skills practice

4. Spelling or Word Work ( High Frequency Words )

5. Lexia

6. Teacher Time                                                              

Students will be introduced gradually to working independently (or with another student).  When students are working independently, I will be working in small reading/writing groups.

McGraw-Hill My Math

Math homework is assigned every Monday through Thursday nights.  Homework pages will be sent home each night, and the assigned pages will be written in their planners and posted on the website.  Always check your child’s planner or our class homework page on the PVE website for assignments and due dates.  Please practice Addition and Subtraction Math Facts at home.  Students need a solid foundation and quick and rapid knowledge of these facts. 

Handwriting:  Handwriting Without Tears (HWoT)   

We will be teaching the proper way to hold a pencil, proper writing posture, and correct letter formation.  It is so important that their handwriting is LEGIBLE for tests and spelling assignments.  A copy of HWoT Alphabet and Numbers is attached.        

Science Kits:

Organisms, Liquids and Solids, Soils

Homework Policy: 

Monday – Thursday

Math, Spelling, Read Daily/Lexia for 20 minutes

Draw a line through their work if they hit frustration.

Report Cards:

Report cards reflect what your child has earned.  It is important to realize that the first quarter grades are reflected on teacher modeling and review work. Most work is completed together. Grades are generally higher first quarter.  There may be a drop in grades on second quarter grades.  Your child must work for their grades and put their best effort forward.    

Conferences are scheduled for October 29th and 30th.  It is important for you to attend and keep the designated time you choose.  Should you need a specific time/day I would like to know ahead of time what arrangement you will need.  It is difficult to change times. 

How to Support Your Child:

1. Review Homework folder daily

2. Check homework for letter formation, work accuracy, completion

3.  Sign planner daily

4. Review contents of Friday Folder with your child.  Sign and return.

5. Read with your child

6. Practice 100 Sight Words

7. Have your child tell you 2 great things about their day.

8. Go to bed and arrive at school on time.

9. Practice math facts

Personal Best Wall and Portfolios:

Our class has a Personal Best Wall in our room.  Here, we display work that both students and their teachers select as a student’s personal best work.  Additionally, each student has a Personal Best Portfolio that will include work from throughout the year. 


Student Planners:

Student planners are used to relay information from school to home and from home to school.  Planners are checked daily and do need a parent signature each night.  Students are expected to write daily homework assignments in their planners.  If you have any questions (or cannot read your child’s handwriting), you may visit my homework/information website:

Click on Cheyenne Mountain School District 12 Home Page and click on Piñon Valley Elementary (left hand column)

OR go directly to the Pinon Valley Elementary home page.

Click on Classrooms (ribbon near top of page)

Click on Grade Level Classrooms

Click on Ditlow, Brooke or Zakrajsek, Susan (under First Grade heading)

Click on “More”

Click on “My Website”

On my website you will find the following headings at the top: Home/Classroom Events/Weekly Homework

Homework can be found on the Weekly Homework page

Tardy Policy:

The school day begins promptly at 7:55 A.M. daily.  Your child will be counted as tardy when he/she arrives after that time.  After three (3) tardies in any one quarter, you will be contacted to discuss the importance of getting your child to school on time and develop a plan of action.  The teacher will notify the principal of the outcome of the conversation.  After five (5) trardies in any one quarter, the principal will contact a parent to create a tardy plan.  If the tardy plan is not followed, the next step may result in a notice of non-compliance with the compulsory attendance law, which could result in a petition for order to compel school attendance. 

Absence policy:

Work missed from any absences must be made up.  For each day a child is absent, 2 days are given to complete and turn in the missing work.  Assignments will be given to the student upon returning to school.  Assignments will not be given in advance for a planned absence. 

PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD AT HOME if they are SICK.  PLEASE take your child’s temperature DAILY.  If your child has tested negative to Covid, your child may return when: there is no fever for 24 hours (and no medication given), nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea has subsided for 24 hours, at least four doses of antibiotic have been given over a 24-hour period for any type of strip or bacterial infection, and child is feeling well again and normal behavior has returned. OR, if your child has tested POSITIVE to Covid, please follow the District 12 Covid guidelines.  They may return to school after a 14 day quarantine has occurred.

Conduct with a Substitute Teacher:

Should I be absent from school, your child should behave appropriately, follow all classroom and school policies as they would normally, and treat the substitute with respect.   Classroom policies and procedures will be followed as normal.  If your child does not follow procedures, a discipline referral will be sent home for your signature.


Students should bring 2 HEALTHY snacks and a bottle of water.  Only healthy snacks will be allowed.  Some examples include peeled, sliced, and bagged fruits and vegetables such as carrots, celery, bananas, apples, oranges, tangerines.  Pretzels, goldfish, crackers, and granola bars are also acceptable snacks. Students should not need to use a knife, fork, or spoon to eat their snack. Snacks that are NOT acceptable and will not be allowed are candy, cookies, chips, and other sweets.  Students should bring a labeled water bottle…ONLY WATER, no fruit or flavored water.  Students must take their water bottles home daily for cleaning. 

Specials: P.E. (Mr. Johnson); Music (Mrs. Peterson); Art (Mrs. Foster)

Your child will participate in P.E. and Art every other day, while music will be held second semester.  If desired, your child may bring an extra pair of tennis shoes to leave in their cubby so they will be prepared for P.E.  Students should always follow the school dress code.  Remember that backless/strapless sandals are never allowed in school.  Students will note in their planners which “Specials” class they have for the next day.


Our class schedule is listed on our websites.  Due to Covid, the schedule may change slightly as we settle into the year.