Resources and Opportunities

This is a collection of articles, websites, and videos curated as a resource for students and parents seeking information and support in common needs of gifted students. 

Topics include academic, social, and emotional areas relevant to gifted students and adolescents in general. These include: gifted identification, motivation, perfectionism, cooperation, stress management, relationships, and more. 

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*Articles, videos, and websites are not the property of Mrs. Womack and do not necessarily reflect her views* 

The books in this list are available for students and/or families to borrow from Gifted Services at CMHS. 

Please contact Mrs. Womack ( if interested in utilizing any of these resources.

*New selections being added regularly.

Helpful Websites for Meeting GT Needs

Summer Enrichment Programs

Scholarship and fellowship opportunities; summer programs; resource database

Leadership, civil debate, activism, and volunteer opportunities

Summer residential courses offered at prestigious universities in STEM and humanities

For Junior girls interested in the political process and responsible citizenship, military service, or attending a military academy.  Scholarships and college credit available; also volunteer and community service opportunities for all age groups.

For Junior boys interested in the political process, responsible citizenship, military service, or attending a military academy. Scholarships and college credit available

A summer residential program where students earn three hours of college credit majoring in either STEAM or International Social Studies, become young entrepreneurs, solve Colorado's most pressing issues, and complete a primary source-based project on the history of our amazing state.

Various online and summer residential programs offering courses in STEM and Humanities

Leadership seminars, training, and other opportunities