Student Chromebook/Technology

Repair Help

You are responsible for this device. You will turn it in at the end of the year.

Teachers will hold you responsible for having a charged device in class every day.

If you have technical issues, see Mr. Dickerson in the Media Center only between the hours of 7:00-7:15am.

Charger Replacement

If you lost your charger, it's your responsibility to replace it. The link below will take you to a site where you can purchase a replacement.

Purchase a Replacement Charger

Login Directions

YouTube Tutorial:

1. Shut down Chromebook before leaving school

2. Connect to your home Wi-Fi

3. Log in to the Chromebook user name: password: your Chrome password

4. Once you enter the first website, you will encounter the filtering process. Type in your: user name:

5. Last screen of credentials type in your: user name: password: YYYYMMDD (8 digit birthdate)

6. You are ready to use the Chromebook

YouTube Tutorial:

1. Apaga el Chromebook antes de salir de la escuela

2. Conecta te al Wi-Fi de casa

3. Inicie sesión en el Chromebook nombre de usuario: contraseña: la contraseña de tu Chrome

4. Una vez que entren al primer sitio web, se encontrara con el proceso. Escribe tu: nombre de usuario:

5. Última pantalla de tipo de credenciales en su: nombre de usuario: contraseña: año que naciste/mes/día (YYYYMMDD)

6. Usted está listo para usar el Chromebook

Student Chromebook Repair Request Form:

  • If you're device is damaged or in need of serious repair, fill out the form below and bring it to Mr. Dickerson in the Media Center between 6:45-7:15am.