Video Conferencing/

Class Meetings

Other Video Conferencing/Class Meeting Tools:

How to Hold a Canvas Meeting

Using Canvas to Meet Video:

Create a Google Meet within Canvas Assignments

How Do I Create a Conference in a Canvas Course (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)How Do I Use Conferences in Canvas as a Student

(Links to an external site.)

The Canvas Conferences tool is a great resource for you to record and hold live sessions with students. This is the PRIMARY CMS support tool for video conferencing. Please make a point to use it.

How to Hold a Google Meeting

Not supported by CMS but still a good tool. Use at your own discretion.

How to Hold an Office 365 Meeting

Supported secondarily by CMS but not all students have experience with Office 365 (mostly CTE).

Zoom (Links to an external site.)

Exclusive: Zoom CEO Eric Yuan Is Giving K-12 Schools His Videoconferencing Tools For Free. (Links to an external site.)

Please do not try to download this software just yet. We will work as a school on whether we need this or not. Since this offer is mostly for a school as a whole.

Flipgrid (Links to an external site.)

If you are tired of waiting on students to type responses, make responses longer or seeing a bunch of grammar and spelling errors, then STOP and use Flipgrid. Put students in front of their Chromebook camera and record responses; you will start getting the in-depth responses you are looking for.

Google Meet inside Canvas

If you want to use Zoom:

For students/staff who want to join a Google Meet:

For students/staff who want to join a Canvas Conference: