Meet the School Counselor...
Mrs. Butler!
Shauna Butler, MA
My family and I moved to Charlotte from Virginia Beach, VA in January of 2016, after I completed my Master’s Degree in School Counseling at Norfolk State University. I am happily married to my college sweetheart. We recently celebrated 21 years of marriage! Together, we have two children, both high school student athletes.
I joined the amazing Villa Heights staff in August of 2020 after previously working as a school counselor at Dilworth Elementary School. As the only school counselor, I support all grade levels, K-5. I help to facilitate MTSS or Multi-Tiered Systems Support, which focuses on supporting students who demonstrate a need for additional behavioral and/ or academic support. Additionally, I serve as our 504 Coordinator, McKinney-Vento back-up liaison, and the VH Crisis Team Lead.
Yes, I wear many hats within my role, but I love working as a school counselor! The best part of my job is knowing that I have the ability, responsibility, and privilege of supporting EVERY student with their academic, social, and emotional needs. This includes helping students to:
- identify their feelings
-recognize when feelings are getting in the way of their learning and helping them to become independent problem solvers, and
- connect the subjects they learn in school to their future career choices
Additionally, I collaborate with all stakeholders (parents, teachers, support specialists, administration, community organizations) to remove barriers to learning .
When I am not wearing my school counselor hat, I enjoy being with my family, shopping, reading, volunteering at my church, and spending time at the beach!
Villa Heights School Counseling Department Mission Statement
The school counseling program at Villa Heights Elementary is designed to reach every student through a collaborative effort between the administration, staff members, faculty members, parents, students, and the community. Our program is comprehensive in scope and preventative in nature. Our program strives to ensure that every student is prepared to reach his or her maximum academic, emotional and social potential by attempting to identify and support students in removing barriers to effective learning. Our school counseling program is aligned with CMS Strategic Plan 2024 and the Villa Heights School Improvement Plan.
School counselors wear many hats! We are vital members of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System.
Through a comprehensive school counseling program, CMS school counselors provide a variety of services including:
- Assistance With Academic Plan Development
- Classroom Guidance
- Individual Counseling
- Parent Consultation
- Small Group Counseling
- Student Support With Development of Strategies for Success: Problem-Solving, Making Friends, Study Skills, Organization, etc.
- Referrals to Community Organizations
A Few of My Favorite Things:
Books! Reading is one of my passions.
School supplies! I love to collect Post-It Notes in really fun colors and I absolutely adore Papermate Flair Pens! They make me so happy.
Spending time with my family
Taking walks
Traveling (mostly to the beach or the mountains!)
Working in the role of School Counselor at Villa Heights Elementary!
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Mrs. Butler's School Counseling Calendar