Spring Virtual Piano Recital 2020

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • When will I receive connection information? Connection information will be emailed to everyone who registered through EventBrite one hour before the event.

  • Which platform will be used to host the recital? We will use Zoom and it is highly recommended that guests download this application ahead of time.

  • Will the recital be made available to students following the watch party? A link to the YouTube playlist will be emailed to all who registered through EventBrite within 24 hours of the watch party.

Virtual Recital Etiquette and What to Expect:

  • Make sure you know how to mute/unmute yourself in Zoom.

  • Unless it is absolutely necessary to turn your video off, please plan to leave your video on during the watch party. It is helpful for our students to see your facial expressions!

  • You will be able to compliment our performers using the live chat feature in Zoom while watching the performances. Please brag on them and make them feel special!

  • We will NOT be applauding after each performer. We WILL all unmute ourselves at the end of the video for one big round of applause.

  • Please plan to arrive early at 6:45 pm to go over "house rules" before the performance.

Amelie He-DeMontaron.mp4
Jala Brawley.mp4
Madison Hunter.mp4
Nora Schropp.mp4