Absence Make-Up Policy

​Effective beginning January 26, 2010, all students will be required to complete one of the assignments below to earn participation credit for any days they miss. Per CMS Policy, all students have five school days following an absence to submit make-up work for credit. All make-up work must be submitted by 4:15 pm on the fifth school day following the absence to be accepted for credit. Failure to complete a make-up assignment by the specified deadline for an absence will result in the student earning a “0” participation grade for the day(s) missed. This policy applies to all absences, including excused absences, unexcused absences, field trips, and suspensions.

Below are the choices of assignments students must choose from in order to earn make-up credit. Students must choose one assignment from the list for each day that is missed. If a student misses multiple consecutive days, they may mix and match the assignments as they choose. However, the total number of assignments completed must equal the total number of days missed.

Assignment Choice #1

MS Piano I/MS Piano II/HS Beginning/HS Intermediate Students: Pick 3 songs out of your lesson book, performance book, or technique book to play for the teacher upon your return to school. These songs must be in addition to what you’re already doing in class!

MS Piano III/HS Proficient/HS Advanced Students: Pick 1 song out of your lesson book, performance book, or technique book to play for the teacher upon your return to school. This song must be in addition to what you’re already doing in class! Students working on a long-term assignment may choose to perform a section of the piece that has shown growth since the last hearing.

Assignment Choice #2

Pick a piano composer that interests you and write a 300 word essay about the life of the composer. Include information about where they were born, what instruments they played, important compositions they wrote, personal facts, and other information that interests you. You must include the source of your information to earn credit! Write your name on the assignment and turn it in to the teacher.

Assignment Choice #3

MS Piano I/HS Beginning Students: Choose one of the four options below and type in the exact address into your web browser. You will not receive credit otherwise! Answer 50 questions in a row correctly for a score of "100". Print a progress report by clicking the "i" in the upper right corner and "Show Progress Report". Type your full name in the box to generate a verification code. Finally, click on "Print Report" at the bottom of the screen and turn in to the teacher. You may also email your work (including the verification code) to kristin.stonnell@cms.k12.nc.us.

1) Note Identification - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/note/oy991yqyryyynyy

2) Keyboard Note Identification (White/Black Keys) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keyboard/999dyn

3) Keyboard Reverse Identification – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keyboard-reverse/oy99oyo999byn

4) Generic Interval Identification - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/generic-interval/drwyry9dny

MS Piano II/HS Intermediate Students: Choose one of the six options below and type in the exact address into your web browser. You will not receive credit otherwise! Answer 50 questions in a row correctly for a score of "100". Print a progress report by clicking the "i" in the upper right corner and "Show Progress Report". Type your full name in the box to generate a verification code. Finally, click on "Print Report" at the bottom of the screen and turn in to the teacher. You may also email your work (including the verification code) to kristin.stonnell@cms.k12.nc.us.

1) Note Identification - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/note/oy991yqyryyynyy

2) Keyboard Note Identification (White/Black Keys) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keyboard/999dyn

3) Keyboard Reverse Identification – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keyboard-reverse/oy99oyo999byn

4) Generic Interval Identification - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/generic-interval/drwyry9dny

5) Key Signature Identification (Major Keys) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keysig/d999yyy

6) Chord Ear Training (Major, Minor – Root Position Only) –http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/ear-chord/dyyybyyygney

MS Piano III/HS Proficient Students: Choose one of the seven options below and type in the exact address into your web browser. You will not receive credit otherwise! Answer 50 questions in a row correctly for a score of "100". Print a progress report by clicking the "i" in the upper right corner and "Show Progress Report". Type your full name in the box to generate a verification code. Finally, click on "Print Report" at the bottom of the screen and turn in to the teacher. You may also email your work (including the verification code) to kristin.stonnell@cms.k12.nc.us.

1) Keyboard Reverse Identification – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keyboard-reverse/oy99oyo999byn

2) Key Signature Identification (Major Keys) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keysig/d999yyy

3) Key Signature Identification (Minor Keys) – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keysig/d999byy

4) Chord Identification (Major, Minor – Root Position Only) – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/ear-chord/dyyybyyygney

5) Interval Identification (Written Form – Major/Perfect/Minor Only) – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/interval/drwyryyh98ynny

6) Interval Ear Training (Ascending – Major/Perfect Only) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/ear-interval/998byyygneyyy

7) Chord Ear Training (Major, Minor – Root Position Only) –http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/ear-chord/dyyybyyygney

HS Advanced Students: Choose one of the seven options below and type in the exact address into your web browser. You will not receive credit otherwise! Answer 50 questions in a row correctly for a score of "100". Print a progress report by clicking the "i" in the upper right corner and "Show Progress Report". Type your full name in the box to generate a verification code. Finally, click on "Print Report" at the bottom of the screen and turn in to the teacher. You may also email your work (including the verification code) to kristin.stonnell@cms.k12.nc.us.

1) Keyboard Reverse Identification – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keyboard-reverse/oy99oyo999byn

2) Key Signature Identification (Major Keys) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keysig/d999yyy

3) Key Signature Identification (Minor Keys) – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keysig/d999byy

4) Chord Identification (Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished – Root Position Only) – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/chord/drw999xyynny

5) Interval Identification (Written Form) – http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/interval/drw99999999nny

6) Interval Ear Training (Ascending only – unison through octave) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/ear-interval/998byyygneyyy

7) Chord Ear Training (Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished – Root Position Only) - http://www.musictheory.net/exercises/ear-chord/xyyybyyygney