
The Exhibition is comprised of several components including 8-11 artworks, a Curatorial Rationale, Exhibition Texts, and Inventory. To begin your Exhibition you will select a minimum of 8 artworks and a maximum of 11 artworks that you have created during your Junior and Senior years of Visual Art. During your Junior and Senior years of Visual Art in you will likely complete about 18 pieces of artwork in time for your Exhibition, which will give you flexibility in designing your Exhibition and selecting your highest-quality work. Your Exhibition will be completed in 3 stages, and will complete these stages during the Spring Semester of Senior year. First, you will plan your Exhibition using drawing and writing during your Senior year. It is not required that your Exhibition have a theme, but recommended that your selected artworks represent your skills and depth of research; you will discuss your planning in your Curatorial Rationale. Second, you will execute your Exhibition during class time by installing your artworks and photographing them using DSLR class cameras. You will photograph each artwork individually, taking care to capture details; you will submit images of each individual artwork to IB and can submit up to 3 additional detail images of each artwork. You will then photograph the overall Exhibition of artworks; you will submit 2 images of your Exhibition to IB. Third and finally, you will edit your images during class time taking care of make each of them as realistic to resemble your artworks. You will save all images to your Google Drive with all other IB Visual Art Exam materials. Your Exhibition will also be open for public viewing following completion of IB Exam requirements.

Your Curatorial Rationale will be just that: a piece of writing explaining (rationalizing) the decisions you made while curating or selecting and arranging your artworks in the Exhibition. Your Curatorial Rationale will be written and edited during class time, and will be limited to 700 words. You should discuss the inspiration for your overall Exhibition and not focus on individual artwork's inspiration. You should also discuss the relationship between the viewer and the artwork: what you want people to think and feel when they look at your artwork and Exhibition. 

The Exhibition Text is a brief text you write for each artwork, similar to the writing one may see next to an artwork on a gallery or museum wall. You are limited to 500 characters per artwork for each Exhibition Text. You will complete the Exhibition Texts and Inventory for each artwork in your sketchbook on the Critique day for each project. You should include the specific inspiration and research behind your project, taking care to cite any imagery used. Discuss the original intentions for your artwork and how those may have deviated. You can also discuss why you used those materials to create the artwork.

I also include the Inventory as an additional component to support your 8-11 artwork images. The Inventory will accompany the artworks when uploaded IB. Your Inventory will include the dimensions of each artwork in centimeters, the materials or media that comprise the artwork, the title of each artwork, and the Exhibition Text for each artwork.

Exhibition Slides

Reviewed during class on DATE