IB Art HL 1

This is a two year course with the testing component taking place the second year. This course falls under the category of Group 6-The Arts for the International Baccalaureate Program. Students will understand the contexts of visual arts through theoretical practice, art-making practice and curatorial practice. Students are encouraged to consider works of artists from a variety of cultural contexts and consider how these contexts have influenced their creation and informed how meaning and significance is transferred to an audience. Students identify the techniques and conventions used by artists when making art and consider how the range of forms, media, processes and techniques are used to realize artistic intentions. Students are required to view artworks within exhibitions and consider how curatorial interventions can also contribute to the ways works are perceived. Students are required to explore this area through a variety of art-making forms.  The visual arts in context area should provide a range of opportunities for students to explore theoretical practice, art-making practice and curatorial practice.


All IB Art students are expected to meet the requirements of the IB philosophy in order to receive IB credit.

IB learners are expected to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk takers, balanced, and reflective. Your highest level critical thinking is expected at all times. You are to be self motivated in your research, meet all deadlines, and give 100% effort. Your work must display reflective judgment, excellent technical competence, thoughtful development of ideas and strategies for expression, confidence, and most importantly, create personally relevant work that demonstrates exploration of ideas reflecting cultural and historical awareness. Maturity and high level of self motivation and critical inquiry required.

IV: Curriculum Calendar/Timeline

Quarter 1: Representations of the Self

Quarter 2: Unusual Materials

Quarter 3: 3D Investigations

Quarter 4: Reflect on Individual Art Practices