Study Skills Resources



Organization in the ability to keep track of information, time and materials. To be successful we need to develop systems that will help us stay organized.

Ways to stay organized

  • Download Canvas App on phone

  • Check Powerschool to make sure you don’t have any missing assignments or need to retake a test.

  • Decide on a routine and follow it (Check Canvas app Daily at 4pm, Check powerschool every monday at 10am)

  • Have an organized space for study and homework at home with minimal distractions

Time Management

  • Estimating Time

    • Worksheet

  • Weekly Calendar

    • Fill in your weekly schedule

    • What trends do you see?

    • How many hours spent on homework daily?

    • How many hours on fun activities?

What is Self-Activation?

Self-Activation is the executive function that turns your engine on and keeps you going. Some cars go from 0-60 in ten seconds and others it takes 10 seconds to reach the same speed. Similarly, people also accelerate at different rates. Some are quick to start a task and are able to stay with it and complete it and others are slower to start and “run out of gas” before they finish. Some procrastinate so often they rarely start anything when they should.

Practice Activity: Understanding your Procrastination

Describe a task that you recently delayed completing?

Explain why you procrastinated?

Which of the common mistakes listed might explain your procrastination?

Did you eventually complete the task? What got you started?

Common Mistakes Procrastinators Make

  1. They think they can get things done quicker than they actually can.

  2. They think that they have more time to get something done than they actually do.

  3. They think they have to be in the right mood to do something.

  4. They look for distractions to avoid starting unpleasant tasks.

  5. They seek immediate gratification rather than wait for it.