School Related Resources

COVID-19 Specific School Resources

Students - Create a schedule/stay organized/keep checking your accounts - email/google classroom/canvas and so on! DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS.

Student Gmail - Access the student gmail account to ensure that you have all the information you need and connect with teachers/staff
Google Hangouts - Set up google hangouts to connect with counselors or teachers.
Google Meet - set up support to have virtual meetings using google
Zoom - Video platform for classes,chats, office hours
Khan Academy - Great resource for academic supportIncludes video tutorialsSuggested routines by ageFAQs for Remote Learning
Importance of structure - Article on building routines during COVID-19
Help Desk for CMS - 980-344-0037
More student resouces

Student Homework Help

BJ Pinchbeck Homework Help -

Discovery Education-

Homework Spot -

Study Strategies -

Parent Help

Parent Help

Middle Transition

Social Media