East Meck Eagles Career Center

Sign up for Remind 101 for updates and exciting news from the Career Center: @ea68b4

The Career Center is located in the Courtyard right next door to the Student Services Office. 

Parents/Guardians: If you would like to be involved in work-based learning at East Mecklenburg  High School, please let Ms. McGraw know by email. We are always looking for people in the community to help our students tour local facilities, learn about different jobs/careers, and guest speakers.

Career Snapshots

Videos of careers





*Career Snapshots is not updated by Ms. McGraw. Please see tabs on the left side of the screen for other opportunities that Ms. McGraw updates.*

SERVICES- Please see the tabs on the left hand side for more information

If you are interested in an Work-Based Learning opportunities please see your Career Development Coordinator. Work-based learning (WBL) is an educational strategy that provides students with real-life work experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills and develop essential skills. Examples include: internships, job shadowing, career exploration, and career readiness training. East Meck High School partners with local and national businesses to provide students the opportunity to explore their interests. Below are some important links.