Virtual Visits 2021

I would like to begin by welcoming you to Ysgol Clywedog's virtual visits site.

Under normal circumstances, a full programme of induction events and activities would be in place for your son/daughter throughout this year to ensure their smooth transition to Ysgol Clywedog, however we face exceptional times and cannot be sure when we will be able to host year 5 and 6 students on site.

I would like to reassure you that we will be organising a range of virtual transition activities during the year and hopefully some 'real' activities later in the year. These will serve to help your child familiarise themselves with the site, get to know their classmates, and their teachers. They will achieve this through a range of exciting and enjoyable activities that will certainly give them a flying start to their time at Ysgol Clywedog.

Mr Vickery, Headteacher

Welcome and Headteacher Presentation

360 Tour of the School

Visit all the rooms

Email questions to

Apply for a place at Ysgol Clywedog for September 2022

Art - Welcome to the Art Department - Visit the Art Room

Cymraeg - Quiz for Welsh Room - Download the quiz - you will find some answers on the wall of the Welsh Classroom

Drama - Meet the Drama Department - Visit the Drama Room

English - Welcome to the English Department - Visit the English Room

French - French Picture Quiz, French Trip 2019, Year 7 French Lesson and Lesson Clip - Visit the Languages Room

Geography - Virtual Geography Lesson - Meet the Eco-TaskForce - YRE Global Award Winning Video - Visit the Geography Room

History - History around us - Visit the History Room

Maths - Welcome to the Maths Department - Visit the Maths Room - Mathematical Mind Reading

In Year 7, to help students develop their mental Maths, we do Numeracy Ninjas every week where the aim is to get higher up the belts each week and improve speed and accuracy.

Frog swap - Try to move the pink frogs to the left and the blue to the right. You can only jump over one frog at a time.

Experiment with different numbers of pink and blue frogs.Can you always swap the frogs over without having to move any frogs backwards?Can you predict how many moves it will take you?Can you swap the frogs over when the number of red and blue frogs is not the same?Can you predict how many moves it will take you?

Times Tables Rock Stars, is a great way to improve multiplication skills in a fun and interesting way. You can set up a parent account for your children.

Corbet maths is a site that provides lots of useful revision and practice work for students. The '5 a day' is a quick way to develop numeracy skills. There are also videos and practice questions.

Maths quiz for Parents

Music - Visit a Music Lesson - Visit the Music Studio - Year 6 Musical Instrument Survey

Physical Education and Wellbeing - - Visit the 3G Pitch - Visit the Sports hall - Visit the Gym - Visit the Fitness Suite - Visit the Swimming Pool


Religious Studies - Meet the RE Department - Visit the Values, Religion and Ethics Room

Science - Our Space Our Future at Ysgol Clywedog - Visit the Science Lab

Experiments - Gas Bubbles, Gas Bubbles 2, Gas Bubbles 3, Flame Tests, Burning Magnesium

STEM at Clywedog

Technologies - Welcome to the Technologies Department

Visit the CADCAM Room - Visit the Catering Room - Visit the Textiles Room

Design Technology - Visit the Workshop 1 - Visit the Workshop 2

Information Technology - Visit the ICT Suite

ALNs (Additional Learning Needs) - - Visit the ALN Area 1 - Visit the ALN Area 2

Student Support - Visit the Nurture Room - Visit the Wellbeing Room

Other areas to visit:

Visit the Media Suite

Visit the toilet

Visit the Library 1 and visit the Library 2

Visit the LA Maker Space and Visit the Innovation Room

Visit the Art Quad

Visit the Social Area

Visit the Canteen

Visit the Field

Visit the Middle Yard

Visit the Main Hall

Visit the Quad

Ask a question at any time -

Full Open Evening YouTube Playlist

Learning Plans - At Ysgol Clywedog we use medium term learning planning to structure the learning. Each Learning Plan (LP) lasts half a term. At the end of the learning plan the learning from that half-term is assessed. Each LP assessment provides a snapshot of your child's progress over the half-term. Every student has had a formal assessment to assess their learning, and a report sent home reflects this assessment. As a school, we then analyse the assessments and look at how the students can progress further. This then informs the learning plan for the next half term. Below are some examples of current year 7 learning plans (LP1).