GCSE Photography

Students in GCSE Photography begin the course by completing a series of skills based projects which includes camera and Photoshop techniques. These projects, with a focus on the Formal Elements, serve to equip students with a basic toolbox of skills which they can use, develop and refine in subsequent projects. Within these projects, they learn how to explore and respond to the work of other photographers, take and edit photographs and learn how to annotate and present their work. The majority of projects are completed on Google Slides, in additional to physical image manipulation work.

They then choose a theme for their major personal project which takes them through into Y11, when they start their Externally Set Task(exam) in January of Y11.

Check out the presentation below to find out more about the GCSE Photography course at CLV and see examples of work created by our students.

You can also see more work in the GCSE Photography Gallery section.

Basic Skills Mini Project: Students learn how to use different camera settings and basic Photoshop image manipulation tools.

Typology Mini Project: Exploring and responding to the work of other artists

Hands Mini Project: Exploring composition, Lighting and Image Manipulation

Narrative Project: Exploring Physical Image Manipulation

Examples of major personal projects for Component 1

Examples of Externally Set Projects for Component 2(exam)