Weekly Updates

Gobble Gobble Gobble!

 Weekly Update:  Le 9 au 13 octobre

The October Newsletter is available on the 'Monthly Newsletter' page of this site.

There are four days of school this week and next week.  The school is closed on Monday, October 9th, for Thanksgiving Monday.

Say cheese!!  Everest Photography will be here on Thursday, October 12th, to take our school pictures.

We have been singing some songs in our songbook and the kids seem very keen to take them home, so you will find the songbook in the homework bag this week.  Please make sure that that the songbook find its way back into the homework bag and sent back to school since we will be using it in class every day.  If your child forgets the tune of a song or would like to look ahead to new songs, simply scan the corresponding QR code at the back of the book.  Make the songbook interactive.  It is also a great way to practice beginner reading skills.  For example you can play games together such as "I Spy" (ie.  I spy a word that starts with la lettre A), finding rhyming words, or colouring the images on the vocabulary pages as your child learns the French words associated with each monthly theme.  

Library books are due back on Tuesday, October 10th.

I will also be sending home our October challenge sheet this week.  This is the activity that I mentioned at our Meet-the-Teacher night.  The skills listed on the page are the skills we are learning in class.  It will give you an idea of where your child is experiencing success or where your child might need extra practice at school and at home.  Once your child has completed a task you can colour in the square, and once all squares are coloured in sign the sheet and send it back to class for a sticker from the sticker board!  This activity can be completed at your own pace.  I will send home a new sheet each month.


Have a wonderful week!

*Please send utensils from home any time your child orders food from the Hot Lunch program.  Merci!*

A message from the office:

Parents are responsible to notify the school of the reason for the absence(s) from school.

Families play an important role in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and ensuring that students can access educational services. It will be important for you to monitor your child’s health each day before sending them to school and to keep them home when they feel ill. If your child exhibits any of the symptoms listed below and they are unusual for your child or are not related to an existing condition (e.g. seasonal allergies), parents/guardians are asked to visit a drive-through testing site, call 811 or your health care provider and report any symptoms of COVID-19 to the school.  

Whether it is cold, flu, pink eye, coronavirus or other illness, students should stay home if they are ill so that illness is not spread through schools.

A negative COVID test does not mean an individual is ready to go back to school or work. If a student has tested negative for COVID-19 but still displays mild symptoms, please consider the following. 


Students and staff should not return to school or work:


Students and staff could return to school or work:

In addition, if you have traveled outside regions as per the current CPHO guidelines, you are asked to declare this to the school, and follow the current CPHO measures in place at the time (e.g. self-isolation).  

Symptoms of COVID-19 include: