School Schedule

Intervention/Enrichment & Homeroom

Monday - Enrichment/Intervention

Tuesday - Homeroom

Wednesday - Enrichment/Intervention

Thursday - Enrichment/Intervention

Friday - Enrichment/Intervention

You will know if you are an Intervention or Enrichment by your PowerSchool course list.

If you are assigned an intervention, starting the 2nd or 3rd week of school, you will be given a group of students that need to make up work or work on assignments given by their teachers to bring their grade up. These students will be expected to have their work and work on it during this period. You can also assign students to Intervention from your own classes by filling out the Intervention Drop In Request Form found on the Teacher Resource Page. If you have any questions about intervention, contact Becky Morgan.

If you are assigned an enrichment, you will have this group once we start our regular schedule (after first few days of Homeroom to start the year off). If you have enrichment then Chasity Luke reached out to you to see what you wanted to do for enrichment. Teacher can pick their topic for this class. Contact Chasity Luke if you have any questions.