Ch.11 - Introduction to the Human Body

Standards covered in this chapter:

7.LS1.4 - Diagram the hierarchical organization of multicellular organisms from cells to organism.

7.LS1.5 - Explain that the body is a system comprised of subsystems that maintain equilibrium and support life through digestion, respiration, excretion, circulation, sensation, and locomotion.

7.ETS2.1 - Examine a problem from the medical field pertaining to biomaterials, and design a solution taking into consideration the criteria, constraints, and relevant scientific principles of the problem that may limit possible solutions.

Important Vocabulary:

Tissue - a group of similar cells that perform a specific function.

Organ - a body structure that is composed of different kinds of tissues that work together.

Organ System - a group of organs that work together to perform a major function.

Skeleton - the inner framework made up of all of the bones of the body.

Homeostasis - the condition in which an organism's internal environment is kept stable in spite of changes in the external environment.

Stress - the reaction of a person's body to potentially threatening, challenging, or disturbing events.

Joint - a place in the body where two bones come together.

Ligament - strong, connective tissue that holds bones together in movable joints.

Marrow - the soft connective tissue that fills the internal spaces in bone.

Cartilage - a connective tissue that is more flexible than bone and that protects the ends of bones and keeps them from rubbing together.

Tendon - strong connective tissue that attaches muscle to the bone.


The levels of organization in the human body consist of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Muscles, bones, and nerves work together to make your body move. All of your body systems working together maintain homeostasis and keep the body in balance. Joints allow bones to move in different ways. Your body has skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissues. Some of these muscle tissues are involuntary, and some are voluntary. The skin has two layers that protect the body. Skin helps regulate body temperature, eliminate wastes, and produce vitamin D.

Skeletons are the inner framework made up of all of the bones of the body.

Stress is the reaction of a person's body to potentially threatening, challenging, or disturbing events.

An organ is a body structure that is composed of different kinds of tissues that work together.