Ch.10 - Animals

Standards covered in this chapter:

7.LS1.5 - explain that the body is a system comprised of subsystems that maintain equilibrium and support life through digestion, respiration, excretion, circulation, sensation, and locomotion.

7.LS1.6 - Develop an argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to explain how behavioral and structural adaptations in animals and plants affect the probability of survival and reproductive success.

7.LS1.7 - evaluate and communicate evidence that compares and contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.

Important Vocabulary:

Molting - the process of shedding outgrown skeleton.

Cartilage - a connective tissue that is more flexible than bone and that protects the ends of bones and keeps them from rubbing together.

Joint - a place in the body where two bones come together.

Muscle - a tissue that contracts or relaxes to create movement.

Nervous system - an organ system that receives information from the environment and coordinates a response.

Stimulus - any change or signal in the environment that can make an organism react in some way.

Response - an action or change in behavior that occurs as a result of a stimulus.

Carnivore - a consumer that obtains energy by eating only animals.

Herbivore - a consumer that obtains energy by eating only plants.

Omnivore - a consumer that obtains energy by eating both plants and animals.


Muscles help animals move their body parts. A nervous system allows animals to detect, process, and react to environmental signals. Animals that live in water, on land, or in the air have different adaptations for movement. The different ways that an animal obtains energy depends on what and how it eats. Animals undergo either asexual or sexual reproduction to make more of their own kind. The growing offspring, or embryo, may develop outside or inside of the parent's body.

Carnivores get their energy by eating only animals.

Herbivores get their energy by eating only plants.

Omnivores get their energy by eating both plants and animals.