Physical Education

Health and Physical Education

Level: 9, 10, 11, 12                    1 credit                              

Health and PE is REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION.  Health topics will include personal hygiene, first aid, safety, community health, and other state curriculum topics.  PE will include both individual and team sports. 

Physical Education

Physical Education 60292X0C

Level:10, 11, 12               1 credit   

Prerequisite: At least an A or B in 9th grade Health/PE

An elective that will consist of individual and team sport activities.

Women's Weight Training

Women’s Weight Training 60292X0CWW

Level: 10, 11, 12 1 credit

Prerequisite: Must have 9th grade Health/PE 

This course is designed for female athletes interested in physical conditioning.  Weight training and physical activities help promote conditioning.  Beneficial for those involved in extracurricular sports programs. Additionally, the course will integrate aerobics, resistance training, core strengthening and other cardiovascular exercises will be the primary emphasis of this course.  

PE Weight Training 

PE Weight Training 60292X0CWT

Level: 10, 11, 12 1 credit

Prerequisite: Must have 9th grade Health/PE 

This course is designed to offer a less intense opportunity for strength development for novices. 

Fall - Baseball Weight Training

Weight Training/Baseball 60292X0CBB

Level: 10, 11, 12 1 credit

This course is designed to increase physical conditioning and muscular strength in association with the sport of baseball.

Fall and Spring - Football Weight Training

Football Weight Training (fall) 60292X0CWA

Football Weight Training (spring) 60292X0CWB

Level:10, 11, 12 1 credit                      

This course is designed to increase physical conditioning and muscular strength in association with the sport of football.  Freshmen are encouraged to take this class during the spring semester. Graduating seniors can not take spring football weight training without prior approval. 


Sports Medicine 

Sports Medicine I 60632X0C

Level: 10, 11, 1 credit        

This class is designed to give students a hands on and practical look at careers relating to athletics in the medical field.  Emphases will be on body functions, athletic training dealing with injury assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and return to athletic activity.  Guest speakers will be used in careers such as athletic training, physical therapy, and orthopedic physician.  A lab setting will be used to teach the hands-on portion of the class. This course requires an after school component where students train for an athletic team. Students are responsible for transportation home.

Sports Medicine II 60642X0C

Level: 10, 11, 12                    1 credit                                       

Prerequisite: Sports Medicine I with at least a B

This course is designed for students interested in fields such as athletic training, physical therapy, occupational therapy fitness, exercise, physiology, nutrition, and other sports medicine related fields.  Class work and hands-on application will be emphasized. This course requires an after school component where students train for an athletic team. Students are responsible for transportation home.

Sports Medicine III 60652X0XC

Level: 10, 11, 12    1 credit                                                 

Prerequisite: Sports Med. II with at least a B average or better

This course requires an after school component where students train for an athletic team. Students are responsible for transportation home.

Sports Medicine IV 60662X0C

Level: 11, 12      1 credit                                             

Prerequisite: Sports Med. III with at least a B average or better.

This course requires an after school component where students train for an athletic team. Students are  responsible for transportation home