Art, Audio Visual, Technology, and Communication

Adobe Visual Design.mp4
Adobe Digital Design.mp4

Adobe Visual Design I Reg/Honors

Adobe Visual Design I 

Course Number: II412XOC

Prerequisite: None

Description: Build logos and vector images using features in Adobe Illustrator. Enhance photographs using features in Adobe Photoshop. Produce images to be used in business publications and communications. Gain knowledge and skills for careers in the Adobe Academy pathway.

Adobe Visual Design I  HONORS

Course Number: II415XOC

Prerequisite: None

Description: Build logos and vector images using features in Adobe Illustrator. Enhance photographs using features in Adobe Photoshop. Produce images to be used in business publications and communications. Gain knowledge and skills for careers in the Adobe Academy pathway. The curriculum will be supplemented with depth, rigor, accelerated pacing, complexity, challenges and creativity beyond the standard level course.

Adobe Visual Design II

Course Number: II422XOC

Prerequisite: II41 Adobe Visual Design I

Description:  Explore elements that make an exceptional digital and print publications. Create print and digital publications in Adobe InDesign. Train to earn the industry-recognized Adobe Certified Professional InDesign credential. Gain knowledge and skills for careers in the Adobe Academy pathway.

Adobe Visual Design II HONORS

Course Number: II425XOC

Prerequisite: II41 Adobe Visual Design I

Description:  Explore elements that make an exceptional digital and print publications. Create print and digital publications in Adobe InDesign. Train to earn the industry-recognized Adobe Certified Professional InDesign credential. Gain knowledge and skills for careers in the Adobe Academy pathway. The curriculum will be supplemented with depth, rigor, accelerated pacing, complexity, challenges and creativity beyond the standard level course.


Adobe Video Design.mp4

Adobe Video Design I - Honors

Adobe Video Design I  HONORS

Course Number: II455XOC

Prerequisite: None
Description:  Discover the legal, technical, and editorial principles 

employed in the video industry necessary to understand ethical implications before engaging in a film project. Work collaboratively to conceive, plan, and execute production plans to create audio and video assets. Use Adobe Premiere Pro features to edit audio and video clips to create and publish a range of video products. Gain the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary for career possibilities in the Adobe Video Design pathway. The curriculum will be supplemented with depth, rigor, accelerated pacing, complexity, challenges and creativity beyond the standard level course.

Adobe Video Design II  HONORS

Course Number: II465XOC

Prerequisite: None
Description: Engage in the preproduction, production, and postproduction processes of video creation. Develop digital media products in the fields of audio, news-style video, and interview-style video. Design social media products to be used on multiple platforms using cinematic storytelling elements. Gain knowledge and skills for careers in the Adobe Video Design pathway. The curriculum will be supplemented with depth, rigor, accelerated pacing, complexity, challenges and creativity beyond the standard level course.

Adobe Advanced Studies 

Adobe CTE Advanced Studies  AAVC HONORS

Course Number: WB095XOC

Prerequisite: Levels I and II of a previous Adobe section

Description: Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a workbased learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others. Gain the knowledge and skills for careers in the pathway of choice.