Training & Health

Training Tips

  • Your body is capable of much more than you think it is. Don’t let your mind get in the way of what your body can do!

  • Your body becomes accustomed to what you ask it to do. Make it accustomed to giving maximum effort!

  • Learn to focus your energies -- always think about competing in a state which is highly focused, yet relaxed.

  • Practice positive self talk during training.

  • Be consistent in training. Make the choice to make everyday a great day!

  • Be patient. Our training programs are meant to peak you at the appropriate times

  • When training with teammates, help each other. Great leaders make everyone around them better!

  • You are strong as one, but the team is stronger! Celebrate your teammates’ successes!

  • Always THINK -- don't let mental errors beat you. A smarter but slower runner can often times beat a faster but dumber runner.

Health & Injury Tips

  • A highly trained athlete is like a finely tuned engine.

  • Report all injuries to your coach.

  • Take care of your gear -- implements, shoes, socks, shorts and shirt. Try to keep your shoes and socks dry. Coat friction areas with a skin lubricant -- such as Body Glide®.

  • Report to training room EARLY for treatment.

  • Blisters:

      • Blisters should receive immediate attention.

      • Preventive measures include properly fitting shoes and moisture wicking socks.