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If you try my instructions and find mistakes, please inform me.

2024 update:
Commands that work:
Alexa, play Apple Podcasts Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields.   (This will play the NLT series, starting at episode 001 (oh oh one).
Alexa, play Apple Podcasts Phil Fields Daily GNT

It could be that Spotify or some other source would work better than Apple Podcasts. I was not able to get the GNT to "switch to previous episode" or "skip back 4 episodes". It was able to "Skip to the first episode."

I was unable so far to set up a skill that would get my podcast. There are a ton of "daily Bible" options that were not there before, some evidently sponsored by Amazon itself. 

If you are successful in setting a "skill," then and only then will you be able to say, “Alexa, open 'skill name'." Then Alexa will ask is you want to continue from where you left off. You should be able to switch to a day number or skip back and forward.

ALEXA should remember you place in the list of podcasts. 

I think that using the Amazon Music app with your Alexa device is probably the easiest way to go, but I haven't taken the time so far to work out how to do this. If you figure all this out, please send me a few pointers that I can share here. 

Google Home:

If you have extra tips about using Google Home, please inform me.

Say 'Hey, Google' and then, 'Play daily Bible reading podcast'. You can also say, 'Play daily g n t Bible reading podcast'. 

This will get you the most recent episode. There doesn't seem to be a way for you to tell Google to go back one or more episodes.