What we believe

What we believe

The following statement of faith is a summary of the Lausanne Covenant. These beliefs represent the core of Christianity, and are the things I (Phil) believe. Some of my peripheral beliefs inevitably will also come out from time to time in the DBRP. 

We believe that Christian belief can and should be divided into essential beliefs and peripheral beliefs.

Essential beliefs

Essential beliefs are what define a follower of Jesus Christ and can never be compromised or ignored.

Peripheral beliefs

Peripheral beliefs are everything else that is in Scripture but about which sincere followers of Christ may disagree (e.g. Baptism, Lord’s Supper, the Rapture, etc.). We choose to agree to disagree agreeably on these topics and press on together toward a common goal of making disciples of every people group (Matthew 28:18-20) .

Please note: Although I am an employee of Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT), my podcasts may reveal that some of my peripheral beliefs that are not the same as those of other employees of PBT. PBT takes no responsibility for the opinions that I express in my podcasts.