LISTEN to 365 Bible Podcasts

Also on this page: podcast player apps

Listen to the whole Bible in 365 24-minute-long podcasts. Each podcast contains all three passages for that day in the 3D reading plan. I (Phil) give a brief introduction before reading each portion, giving background information and reminding you what we read in the previous episodes. Each podcast ends with a short prayer which I hope will help start you out in your personal prayers. Complete recordings are available covering the whole NLT and GNT Bibles.

Try out NLT Day001             Try out GNT Day001

You can start on any day!

Lord willing, in 2024 supplemental podcasts will be released on the 7th of each month.

NLT podcast series

You can subscribe to the two podcasts above using virtually all podcast apps and streaming services!

I have only been able to compile this information for some Android apps. (Some of these, especially the streaming services will be the same for Apple devices as well.)

Here are Apple apps that I know to be good. Apple users, please send me information!

You can always just use one of our websites:

For some older Podcast Aggregator Apps:

If you don't find the DBRP by searching within your podcast app, most such apps have a way to subscribe using the RSS Feed:

Read along with the 3D Podcasts using your phone or tablet by following the Digging Deeper Daily YouVersion reading plan!

Here's the subscribe link for the Digging Deeper Daily YouVersion reading plan: