Clacks P & C

June 2024

Its June, and we have now come to the final month of the school year and the last of the Clacks P&C events until August. 

May 2024

Clacks P&C have planned another busy month with sessions available for all parents and carers.

December/January  2023/2024

Clax P&C are looking forward to celebrating the end of 2023 and start of 2024 with you all.

December  2023

Clax P&C have another busy month of weekly session for all parents and carers of those with additional support needs.  Please come along for a blether and a biscuit.

November  2023

Clax P&C have another busy month of weekly session for all parents and carers of those with additional support needs.  Please come along for a blether and a biscuit.

August  2023

Clax P & C are looking forward to another busy year supporting our families within Clackmannanshire.  We would like to extend a warm welcome and invite you to our first coffee and chat of the year on Wednesday 30th August .

June 2023

The final month of the school year and Clax P&C are busy again.  Joins for a warm melcom and a blether.  

April/May 2023

Spring is looking exciting for Clax P&C we have new locations and podcasts!  

March 2023

March is a busy month for Clax P&C.  Join us at the Bowmar Centre on Wednesday mornings at 11am . 

February 2023

Clax P&C have arranged for guests to come and share their expertise in response to requests from parents and carers.  As usual coffee, chat and biscuits will be on offer at the Bowmar Centre. 

January 2023

Clax P&C are looking forward to the year ahead and are planning a range of events to support parents and carers of children and young adults with ASN . Have a look at what's comming up in the next few weeks. All welcome for a weekly coffee and chat at the Bowmar Centre at 11am on Wednesdays