Staged Intervention process within Clackmannanshire Council 

The staged intervention process provides a framework for educational establishments to identify, assess and plan to address the additional support needs of all children and young people.

It also enables the local authority to gather the necessary information to enable the allocation of resources equitably and transparently.

The staged intervention process and procedure is underpinned by legislation and ensures that the duty placed on local authorities to identify and address additional support needs is in accordance with the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 is met.

The process is managed through meetings in school called a Team Around the Child (TAC).  Schools use agreed paperwork to record the agreed decisions and actions and you will get copies of these.  Pupils’ needs are assessed first by their class teacher (who is likely to know them best) but other people might be asked to join the TAC to support assessment.  These include support for learning teachers, outreach teams, Educational Psychologists, or other agencies for example health professionals such as Speech and Language Therapist.

Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC)

Click on the image to find out more.

Coordinated Support Plan (CSP)

Click on the image to find out more.


GIRFEC Forum is a weekly group that meet to process and action referrals of support from educational establishments.   Referrals are agreed at TAC meetings in response to pupil needs in their placement.  At GIRFEC Forum allocations for support from a specific service may be given to meet individual needs.


IRG is a council wide group that meet to discuss internal referral placing requests. 

ERG is a council wide group that meet to discuss external referral placing requests.