Young Carers

Pupils can self refer as a young carer through our termly Health and Wellbeing Questionnaires. All pupils complete these questionnaires at the start of a new term. One of the questions outlines what a young carer is and asks pupils if they think that they might be a young carer. This is then followed up by the Young Carer Coordinator and the Heads of House Team who will speak directly to the pupil and inform them about the supports available in school such as:








Young Carers Statement

Key Staff

Mrs Gibson

Young Carer Coordinator


Young Carer Support Worker 

Craig supports local Young Carers and Young Adult Carers. He has drop ins every Tuesday morning in school.

What if I think that I am a Young Carer?

If you feel that you may be a young carer then support is available.  Scan the QR code below to self refer or access further supports.