As an innovative school we offer a wide range of field trips to support learning and an extensive extra curricular program including Duke of Edinburgh, sports and community projects.

To allow us to continue these activities we need to raise funds to replace and support a new school minibus.

This is where we need your support ... Become a valued 100 club member!

It is simple and easy to do just follow the link, to attached leaflet and complete the application form, set up your standing order and you could be next months winner.

To enter please complete the form below and return to the school office

100 Club Application Form

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our 100 Club – a great way for you to support the school whilst having a bit of a flutter. Here is how it works…..

 You complete and sign the attached membership form, set up a Standing Order for £2 per month from your bank account .

This buys you one membership number (we will allocate), which enters you into the monthly draw. All participants must be over 16. If you wish to purchase more than one number, please increase the standing order payment appropriately.

The draw will take place on the last Friday of each month and be viewed on the school web page.

If you win a prize money will be transferred to your bank account and the name of the winner published on the school web site and Friends of Alva Academy face book page. 

The prize money will be two amounts of £50 each month. The remaining amount will go to support the school mini bus.

We require 75 members in order to set the club up. 

Any queries, please contact the school office via the school email: