See Mrs. Mohs in the CKHS Counseling Office for information on how to apply!

Evergreen Boys State aims to simulate and emulate Washington State government through a fun and engaging summer program. You will have an opportunity to construct local, county and state governments.

Activities include running for office, court proceedings, creating and enforcing laws, pizza parties, celebrations, and recreational programs. You’ll hone your public speaking skills, experience how government works, get inspired by guest speakers, have fun and make new friends for life.

Why attend GIRLS State?

1. Girls State participation will enhance your college application.

2. Girls State participation will make you eligible to be considered for college scholarships which are awarded annually by the American Legion.

3. Gilrls State participation may make you eligible to be considered for one of ten $20,000 national Boys State College scholarships awarded annually by the American Legion from among 100 nominees selected by each Boys State nationwide.

4. Boys State participation will give you the chance to begin networking with other leaders from your generation who were chosen to represent their high schools from across the state.

5. Boys State will let you experience leadership training in an exciting learn-by-doing environment.

6. If you play a musical instrument, or sing in the choir, Boys State will give you the opportunity to join the Boys State band or chorus and experience an intensive, weeklong series of rehearsals, daily concerts, and unique patriotic ceremonies not usually available for high school musicians.

7. Boys State will provide a preview to college life and the basis of the life-long friendships as you live in university residence halls.

8. Boys State provides a chance to experience the rough and tumble world of politics first hand. You can compete for election on the city, county and state levels.

9. Boys State provides an opportunity to debate important and often controversial issues. If elected to the Boys State Assembly or Boys State Senate you can have an impact on future Boys States.

10. As a delegate to Boys State, you will share a proud tradition and become a part of a long line of Boys Staters nationwide, including Michael Jordan, Dick Cheney, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Tom Brokow, Neal Armstrong, Joe Lieberman and many others. Over the years many others have used their Boys State training to better serve their community, state and nation.