
Student Nutrition/Wellness Plan

City View Independent School District will provide a safe school environment that promotes wellness, physical activity and nutritional education for all students and community.

Nutritional Education Goals

City View ISD will:

1. Promote nutrition education to all students.

2. Cafeterias will display posters to promote healthy eating.

3. Schools will provide information to families that encourage them to provide

healthy nutritious meals for their children.

4. Educate, encourage, and support healthy eating by all students.

5. Provide a health curriculum approved by the State Board of Education

Nutrition Standards:

City View will:

1. Comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Smart


2. Comply with the TDAUSDA.

3. Choose competitive food selections.

4. Provide an age appropriate healthy food and beverage selection for district


5. Assure that guidelines for reimbursable meals shall not be less restrictive than

the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

6. Encourage all students to participate in school meal programs

7. Ensure all students have access to school meals with minimum wait time.

Physical Education Goals

City View ISD will:

1. Provide opportunities for students to participate in physical activities before,

during, and after school.

2. Encourage classroom teachers to provide activity breaks between lessons.

3. Encourage parents and guardians to support their children’s participation in

physical activity.

4. Encourage parents to become active role models and include physical activity

in family events.

5. Encourage students to wear appropriate attire during physical activity.