Denise Heredia


Mixed media (Oil, found objects) on wood panels , series of 5, 38 x 33 cm (per piece)

Inspired by the Caretaker’s Everywhere at the End of Time and Ivan Seal’s album covers, this series depicts the different stages of dementia. The first two pieces represent Pre-dementia stages. The third piece is the intermediary stage leading to full onset dementia stage 4, and finally death. The surrealistic compositions comprise nostalgic, incomprehensible objects. Although the subject is physically present, their perception of reality is nothing more than jumbled fragments of memory.

Reference: Everywhere at the End of Time Albums 1-6

The Caretaker. (2016-2019). Everywhere at the End of Time [Albums]. V/Vm Test Records.


Charcoal and acrylic on canvas, 56 x 51 cm

This piece represents how we must camouflage ourselves to comply with societal norms. We only reveal what society wants to see, although it can end up appearing very superficial. Consequently, the suppressed emotions we must hide from others can tear us apart.