Ch. 4 (Lessons 6 & 7)

Drone x Coding & Engineering Process

(Guest Lecturers: Mr. Tse Wai An, Andrew , Mr. Pang Chi Ming [Programming & Micro:bit Coding])

(Guest Lecturer: Mr. Po Kwai Moom [Woodwork & Structural Design])

(Guest Lecturer: Mr. Wong Chi Yung [Water Contamintant Analysis & Resource Management])

(Guest Lecturer: Mr. Liu Kin Tak, Nelson [Drone Operation])

(A) mirco:bit 簡介 (Introduction to micro:bit)

BBC micro:bit 簡介

Introducing the BBC micro:bit

BBC micro bit初學者教學

16 Servo Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit

(B) Make Code 編程 (Make Code Programming)

micro:bit Make Code

MakeCode Editor - Input Blocks - On Button Pressed

(C) micro:bit 教學 (micro:bit Tutorials)

Making a Thermometer

Remote Burglar Alarm

BBC micro:bit LED燈顯示

BBC micro:bit 計算器

Compass Tutorial

Making a Light Sensor

Radio Communication

Code Sending and Recieving