Bettie F. Williams

Each week, students travel from CHS to Bettie F. Williams Elementary School to tutor and interact with the students there. Students are driven by a Virtus-trained adult chaperone, and depart from outside of the Theater at 3:00pm, to return by CHS by 5:00pm. This year, we will begin tutoring on November 7, and will tutor each Tuesday and Wednesday through December 5. Dates for the second semester will be announced after Christmas Break.

Students who participate in this service program need to have a CHS permission slip on file with Campus Ministry, as well as one for Bettie F. Williams, and pay a one time, $25 transportation fee to Mrs. Harmeyer. Students must sign up outside of the Campus Ministry Office by 10am on the day of tutoring. Depending on whether we drive the minivan or the mini-bus, 6-14 students can participate each session, and spots are first come, first serve. Frequently, spots fill quickly - and the sheets are usually put out for signups on Monday mornings.

Our tutoring depends on parent volunteer drivers. Without them, we cannot go. If you would like to volunteer to drive, please contact me ASAP! and go to this Signup Genius for requirements and signups,

BF Williams Permission.doc