Duke of Edinburgh
BRONZE (Year 10)
Practice : 7th-8th June
Qualifiying : 21st-22nd
The opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a fundamental part of the learning journey here at Christ the King.
Achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence and an edge over others when you apply for college, university or a job. Beyond your academic achievements, universities want to see evidence of so called ‘soft skills’ that you have developed through extra-curricular activities, such as communication, commitment, leadership and teamwork. Your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a fantastic way to demonstrate and evidence these skills in practice.
SILVER (Years 11 & 12)
Practice: 1st-3rd July
Qualifying: 15th-17th July
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a fantastic vessel for developing many of the soft skills that
employers are looking for. Through completing the DofE award our pupils really development their
confidence, problem solving skills, independence, communication and resilience; all skills that will be
massively helpful to them both inside and outside of the classroom, now and in the future.
The award itself consists of 4 sections:
Physical: Pupils will have to commit to participating in a sport (or physical activity) for a minimum of
3 months (Examples: Football, Netball, Circuit Training, Cycling)
Skill: Pupils will have to commit to learning a new skill for a minimum of 3 months (Examples:
Learning a new language, painting, cookery, baking, sports journalism, snooker).
Volunteering: Pupils will have to volunteering at least an hour per week to a charity or other non-
profit making organisation for a minimum of 3 months. (Examples: Prefecting in school, School
Librarian, Volunteering at Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, Rainbows, Helping at KS3 Sports Clubs)
Expedition: Pupils receive at least 3 hours of ‘Pre-Expedition Training’ when they learn about
cooking, campcraft, map reading, countryside code, etc. Pupils take part in a 2 day (1 night camping)
practice expedition during which they will walk, as a group of 6, for approximately 6hrs per day, cook
for themselves, and camp overnight. The final part of the ‘Expedition’ section is the ‘Qualifying
Expedition’ during which the students put everything they have learned into practice to
independently (as a group) navigate their way around the routes.
*The Silver Award follows a similar format but the length of time completing the Physical, Skill and
Volunteering sections is slightly longer, and the Expedition is 3 days (2 nights).
Possibly even more valuable than the skills developed, is the moments, friendships, camaraderie,
laughs (sometimes tears!) and lifelong memories made that make the DofE such a worthwhile award
to get involved with.
For any queries realted to the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, please contact
Mr S Mitchell