The Governing Body of Christ the King Catholic High School and Sixth Form Centre is drawn from the local community. Members are appointed or elected to represent the Archdiocese, the Local Authority, parents and staff.
The Governing Body, which was reconstituted in September 2019, meets in full at least three times a year to review and assess the work of the Governing Body committees who meet at least termly. The governors provide support and advice to the school as well as acting as a ‘critical friend’ who challenges, asks questions and seeks to improve upon ideas and proposals, thereby promoting high standards of achievement, good value for money and a strong community ethos.
The Governing Body has a wide range of skills which help to ensure accountability. Each subject department has a link governor who regularly visits the department and meets with the department Head.
The Governing Body complements and enhances school leadership by providing support and challenge, ensuring that all statutory duties are met.
Certain governors meet termly with the School Council to get the views of students on issues they feel are important to them and the students they represent. Members of the Student Council are also invited to attend certain committee meetings and the termly meeting of Full Governors. These students act as observers and put forward their views.
Chair of Governors - Mary Newsham
We will be updating the documents below to reflect the change of Chair of Governors
For further information about the work of the Governing body please email the Clerk to Governors at: