Spanish 2

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish 2 2020-21. Students will expand on topics, grammar and vocabulary that they learned in Spanish 1.

Regardless of current learning modes, all assignments for Physical Education and Health are accessible on the CA Phy Ed - Health 9 Google classroom page.

This is an excellent online dictionary that works more like a traditional dictionary.

Base/In-Person Learning: Students will be in class and will wear masks while indoors, except when exercising. Students will engage in activities that limit close contact and we will be utilizing outdoor spaces whenever possible. Students will be expected to dress for a variety of weather scenarios. Health class will be held in the FACS room.

Base/In-Person Learning: Students will be in class and will wear masks while indoors, except when exercising. Students will engage in activities that limit close contact and we will be utilizing outdoor spaces whenever possible. Students will be expected to dress for a variety of weather scenarios. Health class will be held in the FACS room.

Base/In-Person Learning: Students will be in class and will wear masks while indoors, except when exercising. Students will engage in activities that limit close contact and we will be utilizing outdoor spaces whenever possible. Students will be expected to dress for a variety of weather scenarios. Health class will be held in the FACS room.