Spanish 1

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish 2 2020-21. Students will expand on topics, grammar and vocabulary that they learned in Spanish 1.

Regardless of current learning modes, all assignments for Physical Education and Health are accessible on the CA Spanish 1 Google classroom page.

This is an excellent online dictionary that works more like a traditional dictionary.

FRIDAY 4.9: In honor of Easter break, there will not be distance learning. Coursework will resume Monday, April 13.

lunes/Monday: We'll continue with our practice on noun-adjective agreement with a worksheet that is due on Tuesday.

We'll use Google Hangouts to have a one on one live chat on Thursday to describe a picture of a family member or famous person. See Señora Schott's sample video for an idea to practice this week. Sign up on the Google sheets for a Google Hangout time for Thursday.

marter/Tuesday: Listen to the song ¿Cómo Es? by education performer Tom Blodget. Using your vocabulary lists, cognates, the video and the Linguee dictionary, fill in the adjectives and professions listed in the song.

miércoles/Wednesday: Watch videos about the cultural celebrations in Sevilla, Spain and Antigua, Guatamala for Holy Week and answer the questions on the Google doc.

jueves/Thursday: Meet up with Señora Schott at your sign up time for a face to face chat using adjectives to describe someone. Complete the Quia activity on adjective agreement and placement.